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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Some of the Things Accomplished Since the Holidays

Not a lot "new" going on this week. Got two oil painting studies worked on toward the end of the holidays. One was a palette knife painting, which was inspired by the work of fellow artist Abraham Fisher whom I met through Artist Daily. He has very unusual, beautiful oil paintings, all done with palette knives and colors that are more subdued, more pastel than the colors I tend to use, yet still clean and vibrant colors. My painting was totally different from his, but definitely inspired by his work. Then I had left-over paint that I couldn't stand to waste, and so instead of pulling out my brushes, I went for paper towels and painted a small square canvas panel with left-over paint that would have been wasted. I soon decided that when it comes to oil painting, paint brushes are over rated. This was probably a reaction to the ease of clean-up with palette knives and paper towels.

Well, I have now learned how to "unpublish" after accidentally hitting the publish button before being finished with the blog. Sorry for the interruption. The computer "robots" probably went crazy over my momentary publish. Those things do an interesting job. They make it easier on us when we hit our search buttons - but I digress here.

At any rate, the studies aren't quite finished. I have a tendency to keep experimenting on studies, unless I accidentally create something I am enthralled with, so I will probably keep trying to make these look more like whatever my unconscious expectations are for them. As usual, I am just having fun with my painting, and no, I haven't "quit my day job yet."

After experimenting with my oil paints, I went back and added some more products to my Cafe Press Store, I have even added a shower curtain and a wall clock using designs from my previous blog! I am having way too much fun designing my own products. And, I think the thing that I have had the most fun with this week is my line of baby products: Simply A Rose Organic Baby Bodysuit 

Simply A Rose Organic Baby Body Suit

Simply A Rose Margo's ArtSimply A Rose Bib Simply A Rose Margo's ArtSimply A Rose Sippy Cup Simply A Rose Margo's Art and several different products that could be used as a diaper bag, like: Simply A Rose Sack Pack Simply A Rose Margo's ArtSimply A Rose Tote Bag Simply A Rose Margo's ArtSimply A Rose Beach Tote Simply A Rose Margo's Art. So, check them out!

For other products: Margo's Art or my website at Fine Art America.

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